We would like to express our satisfaction and gratitude to the IT team in connection with the setup and implementation of our own platform as an enterprise management system for the FinMV group of companies.
The inquiry of ours covered the development of an ERP system for managing its business, including customer service, sales, payments, production, reporting, tasking and communication. It was important for us to become one of the first users of our platform in order to fully appreciate its power and reliability.
The FinMV IT team always paid much attention to any nuances of our project, in other words, they thoroughly considered our requirements specifications, brainstormed them substantially within their working groups; they demonstrated their openness for dialogue that included their readiness to invent necessary improvements and new helpful options while the project had been implemented. The project deadlines and terms of reference were met on time. Any time we might obtain expert recommendations and concepts from them to come up with the most efficient solutions.
All the activities laid down by the requirement specifications have been successfully implemented, as well as services to be provided have been assessed to the maximum extent feasible in the respect of required timing and personnel.
Grounding upon the foregoing, we, the FinMV Group, wholeheartedly recommend our platform and team as a reliable and highly-qualified partner for cooperation in the sphere of IT services for complicated financial systems, as well as a knowledgeable advisor competent in a wide range of relevant issues that cover the space from system architecture concepts to the issues related to data protection and system security.
Truly yours,
Vadim D.