Price Calculator

Equity Crowdfunding Platform

Online brief

Equity crowdfunding is a mechanism that enables broad groups of investors to fund startup companies and small businesses in return for equity. If the business succeeds, then its value goes up, as well as the value of a share in that business.

This form already has the default equity crowdfunding platform settings selected. If you are not sure, do not change the default settings. Additional options and features you can add to our agreement. This online calculator allows you to get a preliminary price for software with your settings.

What currency will be the main one on the platform?
What language will be on the platform by default?
Payment service providers can be integrated to automate payment processing.
You need this section if you plan to do some functionality of the platform yourself
Will the platform use multiple languages?
Will the platform use multiple currencies?
Promo Website
We install your finished design on the platform, but we can create a custom design for you
Investor's Portal
We install your finished design on the platform, but we can create a custom design for you
Users can enable or disable two step verification
The investor must enter the data and provide copies of the documents. The set of fields and data depends on whether the investor is an individual or a legal entity.
The investor has access to the list of startups available for investment, including their full information.
The list of startups will be provided with a set of filters for the most efficient search of startups (by location, type of risk, etc.)
Project details
The investor can access the details of each startup:
- Basic project overview,
- Risk assessment,
- Documentation
Registration / Sign-in form
A page that allows Website Visitors to register and sign-in to the System
Forgot password
The system will allow registered users to reset their password and set up a new one after they log in to the system through a confirmation link sent to the verified e-mail
E-mail confirmation
System requires email confirmation
and signup using Google / Facebook
The system will allow registered users to sign-in using their existing Google or Facebook accounts
Dashboard will be a starting page after log in to the account or upon completion of the Investment.
Dashboard will show some aggregated information regarding investments:
- Investor’s account balance
- Invested amount
- Number of investments
Investor’s profile
Investors will be able to view and edit (if required) their personal data provided during the registration procedure
Create an investment
The investor selects startups and uses the "invest" function
My investments
The investor can see information on his investments
Accepting terms & rules of platform use
The investor must agree with a set of relevant documents to finalize the investment
The investor can withdraw funds to his bank account
My documents
The investor can see all accepted legal agreements and investment documents
Account statement
The investor can see the account statement
Income statement
The investor can see the income statement
Ongoing & finished investment startups
The investor can see their investments and their payback
E-mail notifications
System will generate and circulate to investors automated notifications based on the templates. Notifications will be linked to particular events:
- E-mail confirmation
- Completion of registration
- Password reset e-mail
- Completion of Identification
- Investment successful
- Loan repaid
Promo code
Cashback bonus code can be entered during the investment
Referral program
The user can invite friends to invest and earn extra benefits. A separate unique link for sharing is generated for the user
The full list of projects, created by platform admin in the system, will be available showing some key data, such as, amount, status etc.
Add new startup
You can create an unlimited number of startups. Also, you are able to add translation to different languages.
Project status
Available several statuses of startups (raising funds, fully invested, ongoing project, finished, cancelled, secret)
Project management
• Create or edit startup project
• Add translations
• Launch
• Cancel
• Start (after successful funding)
You can see information about all registered investors (individuals and companies)
You can see information about all registered startups (companies)
Dashboard shows custom metrics and graphs for each user role
All sections of the back office have powerful filters and the ability to export data in different formats
Historical Data
You can see the log of historical data for any platform object: investors, startups, personal data, company data, etc.
Data Export
All sections of the back office have the ability to export data in different formats
This section allows you to add employees as new users. You can manage users and their roles.
This section allows you to create and manage user roles. You can create a new role with any permissions.
The administrator can create new roles for users and grant them permissions
AML Office
AML Officer can filter clients you have to check on compliance with your AML policy
Automatic Reminders for AML Officer
AML-officer can create automatic reminders for any clients
You can manage information about the beneficiaries of any client (investors, startups)
You can manage information about representatives of any client (investors, startups)
Statistical information & charts
Administrator can track different data and different charts are available
Automatic Reminders
A support employee can create automatic reminders for any clients (investors, startups)
You can see and manage information about any individual registered on the platform (investors, beneficiaries)
You can see and manage information about any legal entity registered on the platform (investors, startups)
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation
The client may request to provide him with information about personal data known to the platform. This section allows you to quickly find all customer data. You can delete personal data about any individual. This process will not compromise the integrity of the database
Investor’s Transactions
You can see all investor transactions, funds adding, money on hold, investments, withdrawals, interest income, fines, referral income etc.
Startup’s Transactions
You can see all startup’s transactions, funds repayment etc.
Add transaction
It is possible to manually add an investment transaction
Add payment
Making individual payments from the admin system
Investors’ Transactions Summary
You can get a summary for any investors
Startup’ Transactions Summary
You can get a summary for any startups
Tax Statements
You can download data for bookkeeping for withholding taxes for investors
Annual Report to Regulator
You can download the financial report for the regulator
You can see any documents created on the client platform
You will be able to manage templates for all documents in the platform
SMS notification
You can create sms messages manually and assign and/or eliminate recipients. System can ensure the automated generation of sms (payment orders, documents for investments etc.)
E-mail notifications
System will ensure the automated circulation of e-mail notifications according to the templates and pre-set triggers. Email templates must be created and agreed upon in advance.
Creating promo codes
You can create different promo code campaigns
Referral program
You will be able to manage referrals in the platform


About you
Write your first name
Write your last name
You can write your company name
Select your country
Write your email address to automatically send you a commercial offer with a price calculation
Please write your phone number or WhatsApp
Write address of your company's website
Your project
Come up with the name of your new platform
Select your country of operation
Expected project start date
How will you fund the project?
The platform will need a regulatory license from the country's authority
Specify if the platform requires a regulatory license.
We already have the regulatory license for the platform
Indicate if you have the required regulatory license.
Let us know a bit more details about your business
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