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A Belgian eID can only be obtained by Belgian citizens (irrespective of their nationality), and itsme can only be accessed by holders of Belgian bank accounts or Belgian eIDs. Due to the integration of qualified electronic signature certificates into the eID, it can be used for any contract or document, except for certain legal documents (e.g., certain financial instruments have specific conditions for assignment).1
When it comes to onboarding customers, 'obligated entities' must evaluate the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing in accordance with customer due diligence regulations mandated by the Belgian Act of 18 September 2017 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and the Limitation on Cash Usage (the AML Act). This Act serves as an implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive. Before starting a business relationship or executing certain transactions, obligated entities are obliged to identify their customer, validate their identity, get information regarding the purpose and character of their relationship and also monitor this relationship regularly.1
Organisations may onboard customers digitally, provided they fulfil the KYC obligations set by AML regulations. The Act highlights that conducting remote business relationships or transactions without additional safety measures increase risk, so obligated entities must adopt enhanced customer due diligence processes. Moreover, electronic identification protocols should be established as per the eIDAS Regulation.1
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