You can see the rules and regulations in other jurisdictions.
In 2003, the first digital identity signature in Denmark was launched and is now known as 'NemID'. The Danish state issues NemIDs to citizens and legal entities, which include a user ID, password and a key card. It is necessary to enter a user ID, password, and key card code when logging in. In addition to being used in Norway and Sweden, NemID is owned and run by Nets DanID A/S (Nets). The identity signature technology is also used in Norway and Sweden. During the course of 2022, a fully digitalised and newly developed solution, MitID, will replace NemID. As with NemID, MitID will perform the same tasks, but without the physical key card, which has been discontinued due to its ease of copying and abuse.1
It ensures the identification of citizens and legal entities in non-face-to-face situations (i.e., online) when executing documents and communicating with authorities. In the past, a person would sign a piece of paper to prove that they were the person they described. Nevertheless, when business models and affairs move from paper to digital communication, a tool for signing electronic documents online becomes necessary. Companies in Denmark use NemID (MitID) for this purpose extensively. In addition, NemID (MitID) is the common digital signature in Denmark, which means the same login is used everywhere. Digital signature solutions can be used, for instance, by the DFSA in order to handle board documents and resolutions that require a signature.2
You can also use NemID (MitID) to login to different online platforms, including: online banking, securities trading, and government information; communicating with companies; conducting cryptocurrency transactions; and obtaining personal tax information and files from the Danish Tax Agency. MitID can be supported by undertakings through an agreement with a broker.3
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