You can see the rules and regulations in other jurisdictions.
After concluding the scope of activities within the financial field, the company will need to consider other relevant legislation, such as GDPR, competition, consumer protection, marketing and taxation. Third-party websites that provide information about financial products or compare products will be subject to one or more of the above-mentioned regimes, for example. It is therefore important to evaluate the scope of requirements for evaluating the desired purpose of a fintech company when evaluating different regimes.1
Fintech companies are subject to the Danish Data Protection Act and the EU GDPR. They must ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the rules.1
As an example, companies must gather information about: their customers in accordance with the AML Act and the Crowdfunding Regulation; and their investors in accordance with the suitability test conducted by MiFID firms. Whenever companies collect such information, they are subject to GDPR obligations. In order to avoid sanctions, companies must comply with these rules.1
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