
Fintech Market Overview

This article does not constitute legal advice.

Payment services in Mexico


Unlike other aspects of Mexican regulation, the innovations in Mexico's regulatory framework have not significantly impacted the rules governing digital marketplaces, which have historically not been a field of interest to lawmakers or regulating authorities (except for a cryptocurrency marketplace, which is described in more detail below). Only a limited amount of electronic commerce is regulated under general commercial and consumer protection law as well as by a specific regulatory document known as a Mexican Rule, which, unlike an Official Mexican Rule, is voluntary, and contains limited content that would impose any relevant obligations on sellers or marketplace service providers. It should be noted, however, that general commercial and consumer protection legislation would still apply to all businesses and individuals, including electronic commerce.1

Cryptocurrencies in Mexico

Fintech in Mexico

Fintech in other countries

  1. https://thelawreviews.co.uk/title/the-financial-technology-law-review/mexico